Immunizations Program For Kids (VFC) and Adults (VFA) only
Vaccine for Children and Vaccine for Adults. We do not offer private pay vaccines or vaccines to those with insurance.
We offer public immunizations for the VFC and VFA eligible only. (see below) Must have a scheduled appointment. Please contact the Public Health Nurse to schedule an appointment. Telephone: 641-787-9224, ext 2 or,
Immunziation Resources:
- CHILDREN: Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program Eligibility Criteria
- ADULTS: Iowa Vaccines for Adults Programs VFA Eligibility
- CDC Vaccines and Immunizations CDC vaccines
- website VIS (Vaccine Information Statements) are Available Here
- It is recommended that children receive regular well-child visits with their primary care provider. Please see the resource guide for a list of medical providers in Jasper County. Newton Clinic and Pella Clinics offer immunizations including VFC.
- We serve Jasper County to fill in the gaps of service to those VFC-eligible children who do not have a medical provider established yet that offers immunizations or have barriers to get their children's immunizations at the provider. We DO NOT replace the medical provider.
- We do not offer any private pay vaccines. We do not accept insurance.
- Appointments: To schedule a vaccine appointment for your child, please call 641-787-9224, extension 2, and have the following information available during the call. If the nurse does not answer, please leave a message and she will return your call.
- Name, date of birth, address, & parents names
- Previous immunization records. You may have to call and get the records.
- If you moved to Iowa, the public health nurse will gladly enter your records into the Iowa Immunization System (IRIS).
- VFC Form: Jasper VFC Form
- Iowa VFA program Iowa VFA program
- Note we might not have all vaccines available.
- An appointment must be scheduled with the Public Health Nurse. Telephone: 641-787-9224, ext 2
- VFA Form: Jasper VFA Form