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Early Childhood and/or Parenting Resources

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Local Office- Newton

  • Childcare Assistance: Helps pay for childcare while parents or caretakers work, attend school, look for employment or are unable to care for children due to medical reasons.
  • Families First: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) program to help families stay together and prevent the need for foster care.
  • Parent Partners: An innovative social work practice. It is unique because it celebrates individuals that have overcome obstacles through change, recovery, and accountability. Parent Partners are advocates for families. They also hold families accountable by through their case plan goals.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): An entitlement program that provides monthly benefits to assist low-income households in purchasing the food, they need to maintain adequate nutritional levels.
315 W. 3rd St. N. Suite 660
Newton, IA 50208


Pregnancy Center of Central Iowa

Free and confidential pregnancy testing, counseling, information, practical assistance, & referrals. Earn While You Learn with Pregnancy, infant care & development, toddler, & parenting classes. “Money” earned can be spent in our store for diapers, infant and children’s clothing, maternity clothing, and baby equipment.

Keywords: pregnancy, pregnant, baby, items, parenting, maternal, prenatal, car seat, baby, infant. diapers, maternity, garage sale, children clothes

709 1st Ave. W., Suite 1
Newton, IA 50208

Parenting, Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers (PAT) Short Years Partnership Jasper County location

  • Parents As Teachers (PAT) is an early childhood parent education and family support program that serves families with children from pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten. PAT services are available in Dallas, Madison, Warren, Jasper, and Marion counties. 
  • How does Parents as Teachers work? Personal visits, parent group connections, developmental screenings, and resource networks. 
  • To learn more Parents as Teachers - Jasper Co.
  • Parent Educators: Felicia Hazelton and Tracie Backstrom. 
  • Facebook:

Keywords: PAT, pregnant, prenatal, infant, parent, parenting, home visits, diapers, parent group, incentives, baby, toddler

709 1st Ave W, Suite
Newton, IA 50208

24/7 Dads - Discover Hope

A 12-week comprehensive class offering dads the tools, strategies, and exercises for all fathers and at any stage of fatherhood. 

733 1st Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208
Other Categories: Support Groups/Peer Support

Autism Speaks

A world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Key terms: autism, spectrum, 

Grinnell Regional Public Health UnityPoint Health - Poweshiek County

Breastfeeding support: one-on-one extensive breastfeeding support,a postpartum home visit to help troubleshoot breastfeeding issues or for a baby weight check. This free service is available to families who reside in Poweshiek, Jasper, and Marshall counties. Call (641) 236-2385 to schedule an appointment at Public Health, have a phone consultation or learn more information

Postpartum Support Group: A free group focused on caregivers and their infant(s) newborn to one year of age, Baby weight checks, breast and bottle feeding guidance, professional and peer support, come and go setting, light refreshments provided. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Tomasek Conference Room from 5-6:30 PM. For information call 641-236-2905.

Immunizations: VFC, VFA, private pay, flu shots, COVID, TB skin test. Call for an appointment. 

Medical Loan Equipment Closet call for more information. They are not a DME, only a loan closet. 

Community Care Clinic: Free Clinics of Iowa 

Foot Care Clinic: Call for more information.

Medicare Planning: SHIIP: Call 641-236-2588 to schedule an appointment. 

keywords: breastfeeding, breastfed, milk, pregnancy, new mom, baby, infant, weight check, formula, nurse


306 4th Ave (Light Center)
Grinnell, IA 50112

Iowa State University Extension & Outreach (Jasper County Office) ISU

Programs, resources, & educational opportunities: Agriculture & Natural Resources, Business & Industry, Communities, Continuing Education, Families, & 4H & Youth Development. 

Food and family classes and childcare training. Gardening. 4H, 

550 N. 2nd Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208

MICA (Mid Iowa Community Action) 1st Five program

Iowa’s 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative builds partnerships between physician practices and public service providers to enhance high-quality well-child care. 1st Five promotes the use of standardized developmental screening tools that support healthy mental development for young children.

By using a standardized tool for all children, providers are able to identify children at-risk for developmental concerns, and link those children and their families with community-based resources to improve access to appropriate follow-up care. Primary care providers play a key role in supporting optimal healthy mental development in children. Therefore, primary care providers can play a critical role in providing developmental screenings.

641-752-7162 ext 50158

MICA (Mid-Iowa Community Action) Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program and Maternal Child Health programs

Mid Iowa Community Action (MICA) serves Jasper County. 

MICA Services in Jasper County include: 

  • Maternal and Child Health
  • I-smile (Dental screenings in schools)
  • WIC clinics in Newton & Colfax
  • 1st Five (for providers)
  • FaDSS/Family Development
  • Childcare Consultant- Poweshiek/Jasper 

WIC: Pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding, infant, children up to age 5. 

WIC Times and locations:

Location: Newton Salvation Army

  • 1st Monday of every month
    9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • 2nd Tuesday of every month
    10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • 2nd Monday and Wednesday of every month
    8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Howard St. Christian Church in Colfax

  • 1st Wednesday of every month
    8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m

Keywords: pregnant, breastfeeding, breastfed, milk, WIC, postpartum, baby, infant

Keyword search: pregnant, infant, breastfeeding, breastmilk, new mom, postpartum, food, WIC, WIC coupons, formula, milk

1001 S. 18th Ave.
Marshalltown, IA

Prevent Child Abuse - Iowa

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa fulfills its mission by leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa through:

  • Advocacy – advancing the cause of child abuse prevention among legislators, administrators and professionals.
  • Awareness – informing the public about the effects of child abuse and methods to prevent it.
  • Assistance – offering organizational development, program guidance and grant management to local partners.

Child abuse is preventable. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa recognizes it will take Iowans working together to ensure children are raised in safe, nurturing environments. That’s why we proudly lead and inspire others to create a state free from child abuse.

501 SW 7th Street, G1
Des Moines, IA 50309

Understanding Dads for Moms - Discover Hope

This is an 8-week class aimed at helping moms with the challenges of motherhood via improved communication skills, co- parenting, and understanding the father’s role in parenting. The class is sponsored by Children and Families of IA and facilitated by DH517 volunteers.

733 1st Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208

Young Women's Resource Center

The Young Women’s Resource Center provides a broad range of perinatal services for pregnant and parenting young women through the age of 24. At a time when young women can feel most alone or in need of help, the Young Women’s Resource Center can provide comfort and stability through its programs, resources, and groups. These programs are designed to equip the young mom or expecting mom with the skills to address the challenges of parenting so they can focus on its joys.

The Young Women’s Resource Center is not a medical provider, and we do not offer medical services. The YWRC is a private, independent organization and is not affiliated with any other organizations.

818 5th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309
Other Categories: Pregnancy and Maternal Care

Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.

Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at

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