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Schools in Jasper County

Baxter Schools

Baxter Community School District

Elementary, Middle, High School

Baxter Elementary School Phone: 641-227-1121

Baxter High School Phone: 641-227-3103

202 E. State St.
Baxter, IA 50028
641-227-3102 (District Office)

Colfax-Mingo Schools

Colfax-Mingo Community School District Office

1000 N. Walnut St.
Colfax, IA 50054

Colfax-Mingo Elementary School

Little Tigerhawk Preschool website. See website for more details including scholarships. 

20 W. Broadway St.
Colfax, IA 50054
Other Categories: Preschools

Colfax-Mingo Middle and High School

204 N. League Rd.
Colfax, IA 50054

Lynnville Sully Schools

Lynnville-Sully Elementary, Middle and High School

Lynville-Sully Elementary, Middle and High School

12476 Hwy. F-62 E.
Sully, IA 50251

Sully Christian School

12629 S. 92nd Ave.
Sully, IA 50208

Newton Schools

Newton Christian School

1710 N. 11th Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton Schools Administration Offices

1302 1st Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton Senior High School

800 E. 4th St. S.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- Aurora Heights Elementary School

310 E. 23rd St. S.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- Berg Middle School

1900 N. 5th Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- Emerson Hough Elementary

700 N. 4th Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- Thomas Jefferson Elementary School

112 Thomas Jefferson Dr.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- West Academy Alternative High School

Provides an alternative educational environment for Jasper County as well as Pella Students.

1302 1st Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208

Newton- Woodrow Wilson Elementary

801 S. 8th Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208

PCM Schools

PCM- Monroe Elementary School

400 N. Jasper St.
Monroe, IA 50170

PCM- Prairie City Elementary School

309 E. Plainsmen Rd.
Prairie City, IA 50228

PCM- Prairie City Monroe High School

400 E. Hwy. 163
Monroe, IA 50180

PCM- Prairie City Monroe Middle School

407 E. Plainsmen Rd.
Prairie City, IA 50228

Period Supplies- Schools

Love for Red

Love For Red as a 501(c)(3) has been able to donate thousands of products to places and people in Iowa with help from your donations, contributions, and support.

Period poverty is defined as the “inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education, including but not limited to sanitary products, washing facilities, and waste management”.

#periodpoverty #period supplies

Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.

Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at

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