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Employment Services - Job, Careers, Training

DMACC - Newton Campus

  • Counseling is available for students of DMACC on Mondays and Thursdays.  
  • Event rental - call campus. 
  • Financial assistance may be available.  Contact campus and fill out FAFSA. 
600 N. 2nd Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208
Other Categories: Mental Health, Colleges, Event locations

Central Iowa Building & Construction Trades Council

Apprenticeship opportunities and jobs. 

Other Categories: Educational Resources

Children and Families of Iowa

Restoring Hope. Building Futures. Changing Lives.

At CFI, our mission is to help every Iowan build a safe and happy future.

Other Categories: Domestic Violence

Connect 2 Careers - Children and Families of Iowa

Up to 2 years of school leading to employment. Help to obtain certifications (CNA, CDL etc.) On the job Training. Work Experience (for those with minimal work history), Apprenticeships, Job Shadows, Internships

200 Army Post Rd., #44
Des Moines, IA 50315
515-281-6981, ext. 41818

Employment Network Services - The Place for Progress

Services people 18-retirement age who receive Social Security Income (SSI) or social security disability income (SSDI) or both with tools and job services for those who are eligible to enter the workforce or gain independence.

113 S. 2nd Ave. E.
Newton, IA 50208

Home Base Iowa

Home Base Iowa is now directly integrated into IowaWORKS, the state’s largest jobs bank and home of valuable tools for finding careers across Iowa. Veterans who click the button below can find one-on-one career assistance, while Iowa employers will gain access to powerful tools and a database of skilled veteran resumes.


Other Categories: Veteran Services

Online job search


Keywords: Career, job, hiring, career, jobs, work, opening positions, employ, money, internship, reemploy, benefits, remote, wage, help wanted

Iowa Peer Workforce Collaborative

The Iowa Peer Workforce Collaborative hosts trainings on a regular basis for substance use, mental health, and family support

2662 Crosspark Road, MTP4
Coralville, IA 52241

Iowa Rural Healthcare Workforce

Keywords: scholarships, careers, student, loan repayment, workforce, jobs, recruitment, doctor, dentist, nurse, healthcare

Other Categories: Free Resources for Providers

Iowa Valley Community College/Marshalltown Community College

3702 S. Center St.
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Other Categories: Colleges

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS)

Works for and with individuals who have disabilities to achieve their employment, independence, and economic goals. IVRS works with sophomores in high school through adults. Services offered include college funding, job training, employment search, assistive technology, medical & psychological assessment, and physical/mental restoration services. 

200 Army Post Road, Suite 44
Des Moines, IA 50315

Iowa Workforce Development - Promise Jobs, Unemployment, Job Openings, Employers

Welcome to Iowa Workforce Development. We're here to serve all Iowans and build a better workforce for the future.

Keywords: jobs, internships, remote, apply, career, skills, training, healthcare, hiring, help wanted, unemployment, work, job, workforce.Iowa, job openings

IowaWorks Des Moines serves Jasper County. Services include:

  • One-on-one career assistance
  • Virtual workshops and resume-building
  • Labor market information
  • Unemployment assistance
  • Connection to training and workforce programs


1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319


Website for employment. Looking for a job or need to post a position? 

Newton Public Library

The Newton Public Library is a community resource providing a unique place for lifelong readers.

The Newton Public Library:

  • supports and assists readers in pursuing personal growth and learning goals;
  • provides free public access to the Internet and digital services;
  • fosters, encourages, and stimulates young people's interest in reading and learning; and
  • provides a public space where people meet and interact with others in the community

Job Seekers: Resume and tech support Wednesday afternoons 2-5 PM

Homebound Reader Program

Keywords: Iowa Libraries Adventure Pass, seniors, kids, events, reading, read, books, computer, job, Newton Library, resumes, jobs, cooling, warm

100 N. 3rd Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Other Categories: Libraries

Progress Industries (PI)

Residential and vocational services for children & adults with mental & physical disabilities. Home & community-based services, supported community living, intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation, pre-vocational work services, psychological rehabilitation for people with mental illness, supported employment, & day habilitation program.

P.I. provides community-based programs and supports for adults with intellectual disabilities. Services include 24-hour and hourly Home and Community-Based Services, Intermediate Care Facility for people with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-ID), Supported Employment, and Day Habilitation.

202 N. 3rd Ave. W.
Newton, IA 50208
Other Categories: Disability Services, Mental Health

Proteus, Inc.

  • Proteus strives to lead the Midwest in supporting agricultural workers on the path to personal and professional self-sufficiency.
  • Proteus provides agricultural workers and their families with affordable health care, education assistance, and job training.
  • Able to help all individuals with job training and education.
  • Who:
    • High School students: Juniors/seniors
    • College students
    • Any farmworker interested in receiving this assistance
1221 Center St, Suite 16
Des Moines, IA 50309

QPS Employment Group

  • QPS Employment Group is the premier employment agency in Poweshiek, Jasper, Iowa, and Mahaska Counties.
  • For job seekers and employers. 
1108 West St
Grinnell, IA 50112

Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.

Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at

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