Jasper County Departments
Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.
Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at jaspercocares@jasperia.org.
Jasper County EMA (Emergency Management Agency)
Works with FEMA and community partners during a crisis.
Volunteers for CERT.
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County General Assistance
The program is for those that qualify. One must be low-income, Jasper County, Iowa residents, that need assistance applying for Social Security Disability, crisis funds to avoid utility disconnect or eviction (rent assistance), and a one time fill for certain medications.
Keywords: Utility assistance, Eviction prevention, Medication Assistance (one time), death, medication help, meds, insulin, mental health medications, rent assistance, emergency funds, burial or cremation assistance, medication, pharmacy, pills, house, home, electric, gas, poverty, low income, SSI, SSI application, disability assistance, Soc Sec, Social Security, disabled.
Newton, IA 50208
VFC and VFA only
Jasper County Health Department
Provides public health services for Jasper County including:
- Communicable diseases and food-borne illness investigations,
- Vaccine for Children (VFC) immunizations ONLY VFC- who qualifies Appointments only
- Vaccine for Adult (VFA) immunizations ONLY VFA - Who Qualifies Appointments only
- School and daycare immunization audits
- Public health education, community health improvement plans and collaboration, and public health emergency preparedness.
- Free condoms in the waiting area.
- Free car seat checks. (car seats, passenger safety, booster seats)
- Environmental Health is subcontracted with Jasper County Community Development.
- We do not provide home care aide or homemaker services but have limited funding for low-income, senior residents. Please call Aging Resources to start the homecare waiver process first.
- Jasper County Cares Coalition, Health and Human Services providers meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Email: jaspercocares@jasperia.org for more information.
- Community Health Assessment and Health Improvement Plan
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Assessor
All credits and exemptions including Homestead Credit and Military Exemption for Real Estate Taxes
Board of Review
Property Search Beacon
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Auditor's Office
Elections: Register to Vote, Absentee, Voting
Alcohol and Tobacco license for Board of Supervisors
Real Estate: Records, Plat review
Open Records Requests
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Engineer's Office and Secondary Roads
County roads, Winter roads, permits and policies, roads, bridges. dust prevention, road complaints, driveway, weeds, utility permit, road notifications
Jasper County Sheriff's Office
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Veterans Affairs VA
Helps with the following claim forms: compensation, pension, burial, headstone application, education, dependency and indemnity, eligibility verification report, healthcare, insurance, dental, and home loans. Indigent veteran assistance is also available for housing, food, and utilities. Transportation for medical visits in coordination with RSVP/Jasper Co. Rides.
Newton, IA 50208
JEDCO Jasper County Economic Development, Iowa
business, workforce, tourism, our communities, life, about, news, resources
Newton, IA 50208
Birth, Marriage license, Death records
Jasper County Recorder (Birth, Marriage license, Death records)
- Vital Records
- Recording Information
Newton, IA 50208
Driver's license/Tax info
Jasper County Treasurer- Drivers License, Id, Taxes
See the website for forms and info.
Newton, IA 50208
Park, Camping, Trails, Biking
Jasper County Conservation
- Quality parks, recreation, conservation, and outdoor education systems. Nearly 3,000 acres of parks, trails, and natural areas just waiting to be explored!
- Locations: Ashton Wildwood, Jacob Krumm, Kish-Ke-Kosh Prairie, Mariposa Recreation Area, Wagaman Mill, AC & Lela Morris Prairie
Older, Wiser, Livelier Seniors (OWLS)
OWLS is a conservation program that encourages seniors to stay active and learn new things about the natural world. Contact the Jasper County Conservation Board office at 641-792-9780 for more information.
Keywords: bike, biking, camp, camping, campsite, park, trail, walking, lake, Environmental Education Center, Parks, Cabin, Camping, Trails, Fishing, Hunter Safety, Sugar Creek Preserve, Earth Pack, Older, Wiser, Livelier Seniors, hunter safety, earth packs
- Chichaqua Valley Recreation Trail
- Rock Creek Recreation Bike Trail
- Third Trail
- Ashton
- Mariposa
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Community Development and Environmental Health
- Environmental Health inspections (pool, septic, tattoo, & tanning), safe water supply & well water testing, septic system (permits, education, & tanker education), rabies education, & radon test kits (for sale).
- Building permits and zoning.
- Radon test kits ($10.00 each)
Newton, IA 50208
Jasper County Senior Nutrition
- Over age 60. There is no charge for the meals, but donations are accepted and needed.
- Home-delivered meals, on-site, Monroe & Newton, Holiday, emergency, weekend meals, & Farmer's Market.
- Congregate Meal Sites: Colfax Senior Center, Monroe: The Gathering Place, Newton: Jasper County Community Center.
- Meals are served at 11:30 AM, Monday to Friday. Call to reserve a meal.
Keywords: seniors. food, hungry, meals, help at home, seniors, elderly, meal assistance, older adult, and socialization.
Newton, IA 50208