Utilities and Sanitation (and Assistance Programs)
Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.
Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at jaspercocares@jasperia.org.
Jasper County General Assistance
The program is for those that qualify. One must be low-income, Jasper County, Iowa residents, that need assistance applying for Social Security Disability, crisis funds to avoid utility disconnect or eviction (rent assistance), and a one time fill for certain medications.
Keywords: Utility assistance, Eviction prevention, Medication Assistance (one time), death, medication help, meds, insulin, mental health medications, rent assistance, emergency funds, burial or cremation assistance, medication, pharmacy, pills, house, home, electric, gas, poverty, low income, SSI, SSI application, disability assistance, Soc Sec, Social Security, disabled.
Newton, IA 50208
Blackhills Energy
- Call 911 before you dig.
- Charitable sponsorship or donation for501c3 nicole.breitbach@blackhillscorp.com https://www.blackhillsenergy.com/community/request-charitable-sponsorship-or-donation
Carol Stream, IL 60197
Central Iowa Water Association (Iowa Regional Utilities Association)
Newton, IA 50208
City of Monroe
Parks and Recreation- Community Building 641-259-2319
Monroe, IA 50170
City of Sully
Community Center, Fitness, Library, Parks, Sports, Golf Club
Community Center https://www.sullyia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Community-Center-Rental-Agreement.pdf
Sully, IA 50251
IMPACT Community Action Partnership
IMPACT Community Action Partnership reduces the barriers and burdens that families in poverty experience by increasing access to essential needs. Assistance may be available for food and personal hygiene, utilities (heat, water, and cooling), housing (rent, deposit, and mortgage), and emergency needs.
All services are available in the office, over the phone, and by a scheduled home visit. Several programs can also be accessed via online application, email, or postal mail. See our website or contact our team by phone or email to learn more.
Offers help with emergency applications such as flood or weather damage events.
Food Cards: IMPACT Resource Centers located in counties where we do not have a food pantry (Jasper, Marion, and Warren) offer limited access to food cards for local grocery stores. Please call 515-518-4770 to check on the availability of the cards.
RAYS Scholarship: for eligible low-income students to participate in sports, band, dance, etc.
WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER or (ECAP) Emergency Cooling Program: Applications accepted June 1 - September 30 or until all units have been expended. Must meet income guidelines for the LIHEAP program, must provide a statement from a physician indicating medical need and must take Energy Wise class within 3 business days of application. Renters, allowed window unit only, will need a signed landlord approval statement. If the client rents and the landlord provides central air or a window unit it is the responsibility of the landlord to repair or replace. If the client rents and must provide their own window air conditioner they may be eligible. Household cannot have received an air conditioner from Impact in the previous seven years.
Home Visit Available, Newton, IA, 50208
(515) 518-4770
From 211.
Des Moines, IA 50311
Utility companies in Jasper County (all)
Jasper County has the utility infrastructure businesses need to affordably and reliably operate. There are a variety of providers within the county. Below is a list of some of the utility providers within the county.
- DIRECTV - 1-888-777-2454
- Dish - 1-855-872-2285
- Mediacom - 1-855-633-4266
- Windstream - 1-866-445-8084
- Alliant Energy - 1-800-255-4268
- MidAmerican Energy - 1-800-329-6261
- Mediacom - 1-855-633-4266
- Windstream - 1-866-445-8084
- Alliant Energy - 1-800-255-4268
- Black Hills Energy - 1-888-890-5554
- MidAmerican Energy - 1-800-329-6261
- Mediacom - 1-855-633-4266
- Windstream - 1-866-445-8084
- Newton Water Works - 641-792-2003
Versteegh Sanitary Service
Newton, IA 50208
Cell Phone Providers
Electric/Natural Gas
Alliant Energy
Alliant Energy Foundation https://www.alliantenergy.com/communitysupportandsafety/communityprograms/alliantenergyfoundation
Pella Cooperative Electric
Serving over 3,200 homes and businesses across Jasper, Mahaska, Marion, Poweshiek and Warren counties. We're owned by those we serve.
If you are experiencing an outage please call 1-800-628-1040.
If you are planning on doing any digging around your home or business, state law requires that you Call 811 at least two working days before you dig.
Economic Development https://www.pella-cea.org/economic-development
Scholarships for members https://www.pella-cea.org/scholarships
Pella, IA 50219
Food Pantries in Jasper County
Salvation Army- Newton (Thrift store, food pantry, Rent Asst)
- Emergency assistance with rent and utilities for low-income residents of Jasper County who have received utility disconnects or rental evictions.
- Also offers food pantry, clothing, and household assistance.
- Emergency Food Pantry Monday through Friday from 10-11:45 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. (as needed) Jasper County residents can use the emergency food pantry once every 30 days for canned goods, packaged foods, and other staples. Those wishing to use the pantry are required to complete a form provided by The Salvation Army as well as give identification, employment verification or paycheck stubs, a piece of current mail to validate residency, and Social Security cards for all members of the household. The food pantry may be closed for restocking two days a month.
- Bread Line and Produce Giveaway | Fridays from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Free bread and sweets, donated by local Walmart and Hy-Vee bakeries, are available to any Jasper County residents in need on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no income requirements. Residents may visit the line twice a week.
Keywords: food, clothes, pantry, hungry, rent, homeless, household items, utility, eviction, bread
Newton, IA 50208
Free Cell Phone Providers
Cricket Wireless
Provides free phone through Iowa Lifeline Plans.
Newton, IA 50208
Iowa Lifeline Plans
Government assisted wireless services to low-income families and individuals in Iowa.
City of Lynnville
Old Settler's reservation
First, open and view available dates and times on the Old Settler’s Reservation calendar. Next, contact the Lynnville City Clerk at 641-527-2790 or citylynnville@netins.net, with the date and times you wish reserve Old Settler’s. The City Clerk will confirm your reservation. In addition, every reservation must have a completed Old Setts Rental Agreement. You can print this form and return to the City Clerk along with your rental fee.
Old Settler’s Park Rental Fees: $35 per day and a separate $100 check is required for the deposit – payable prior to this event. The deposit check will be returned pending successful inspection after this event.
Lynnville, IA 50153
City of Mingo
- Parks- Mingo City Park
- Chichaqua Valley Trail
- Casey Gannon Softball Field
- Community Center- rental see website
- Mingo Public Library 641-363-4631
Mingo, IA 50168
Park, Pool
City of Colfax
- Colfax Public Swimming Pool 515-674-3306 colfaxpool@gmail.com
- Future Trails
- Numerous parks. Parks and Recreation Department
- Jasper County Fairgrounds
Colfax, IA 50054
City of Newton
Keywords: Library, Pool, Events
Maytag Pool https://www.newtongov.org/447/Maytag-Pool
Newton, IA 50208
rebates and grants
Consumers can lower their energy costs with programs geared toward home energy efficiency upgrades, home electrification, clean energy installation, and electric transportation.
Keywords: HEAR, rebate, energy