Grant Opportunities for Nonprofit Organizations
Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.
Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at
The Jasper Community Foundation
The Jasper Community Foundation was established in 1997 for the purpose of accepting tax-deductible bequests and gifts in the form of cash or property from individuals, corporations and other organizations that have an interest. in improving the quality of life of people residing in Jasper County. The foundation has broad, flexible purposes assisting arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, recreation areas and other high-impact community opportunities.
Grants are available yearly in April.
Newton , IA 50208
Blackhills Energy
- Call 911 before you dig.
- Charitable sponsorship or donation for501c3
Carol Stream, IL 60197
Casey's - grants
Our giving aims to have an impact by creating Stronger Communities by supporting fundamental needs in our communities: Education, Hunger and Community Servants.
Central Iowa Community Services (CICS)- Newton office
Provides funding & coordination for persons with disabilities. Services include service coordination, resource information & referrals for services including state & federal programs. Funding for mental health & community-based services are also available for those who qualify.
CICS Provider Special Project request:
Newton, IA 50208
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant
U.S. Department of Agriculture
What does this program do?
The Agency will make grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations, (such as States, counties, cities, townships, and incorporated towns and villages, boroughs, authorities, districts, and Indian tribes on Federal and State reservations) to provide associations Technical Assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs. The Technical Assistance and/or training will assist communities, Indian Tribes, and Nonprofit Corporations to identify and plan for community facility needs that exist in their area. Once those needs have been identified, the Grantee can assist in identifying public and private resources to finance those identified community facility needs.
Who may apply for this program?
Public bodies
Non-profit organizations
Federally Recognized Tribes
What is an eligible area?
Rural areas including cities, villages, townships, towns and Federally Recognized Tribal Lands outside the boundaries of a city of 20,000 or more.
Community Partnerships for Protecting Children (CPPC)- serving Jasper County
CPPC is not a program, but rather an initiative to engage community members and agencies to bolster support for vulnerable families and their children.
De-cateroziation funds may also be available.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Community Youth Concepts
Nonprofit organizations working to create safe spaces for children and youth in central Iowa are invited to apply for up to $10,000 in grant funds. See website for details.
Des Moines, IA 50314
Delta Dental of Iowa
- Network of dentists.
- Foundation Funding- Oral Health Fund and Wellness Community Fund, Smile Grants, Rethink Your Drink, Toothbrush donations
- Dental Education Loan Repayment Program
- Dental Education
DNR Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection DNR Environmental Protection
- Air quality, water quality, land quality, animal feeding operations, household hazards materials,
- Environmental Protection
- septic tanks, report spills, animal feeding operations, water
Flood Plan Management DNR Flood Plan
DNR Grants DNR grants
Keywords: hunting, fishing, Iowa State Parks, Camping, Recreation, Trails, Biking, Hiking, Conservation, Environmental Protection. Wells, drinking water, things to do, places to go
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Disaster assistance, funding, and training.
Disaster Assistance
- FEMA may provide assistance to underinsured survivors to help pay for disaster-related costs that insurance doesn't cover.
- In some cases, FEMA may be able to help while you are waiting for your insurance settlement. If it has been 30 days and you have received no funds, Please contact the FEMA helpline at 1-800621-3362
FEMA grants: FEMA grants
- The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral assistance until Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic.
- FEMA Funeral Assistance is provided to help with the cost of unexpected and uninsured expenses associated with the death of an immediate family member when attributed to an event that is declared to be a major disaster or emergency.
Key words: flood, tornado, emergency assistance, natural disaster
Iowa Cancer Consortium
The Iowa Cancer Consortium is Iowa’s statewide comprehensive cancer coalition. As a leader in cancer control, the Iowa Cancer Consortium offers the state’s cancer stakeholders access to resources, expertise, and non-competitive collaboration across traditional boundaries for a bigger impact in cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and quality of life.
Grant opportunities on the website.
North Liberty, IA 52317
Iowa Economic Development and Finance Authority
Explore everything you need for homeownership assistance, rental programs, and community support under one roof.
Keywords: homeless, homeowner, ownership, Iowa housing search, title, renter, state housing trust fund
Key Coop Sully and Newton - grants/scholarships
- Non-profit matching grant request:
- Local students with a college education scholarships.
Newton, IA 50208
Maytag Family Foundation- FMFF
- Purpose/Mission: Giving for education, arts and culture, public affairs, social services, health, including cancer research, and aid for the handicapped.
- Applications should be addressed to: FMFF, P.O. Box 366, Newton, IA 50208, Telephone: 641-791-0395
Monsignor McCann Community Fund
Each year the Monsignor McCann Community Fund targets grant awards to provide funding to organizations performing charitable work and/or serving the needs of poor and disadvantaged persons in Jasper County, Iowa. Grant amounts are dependent upon the allocation of funds available and grant applicant’s needs. The Board of Directors will be responsible for reviewing and approving grant applications, as well as determining the amount of funding awarded.
Prairie Meadows Grants
As a nonprofit organization, Prairie Meadows supports Iowa nonprofit organizations that support arts and culture, education, economic development, and human services. Through our grant programs, we continually work to strengthen and expand opportunities, infrastructure, and services offered within the community. We offer three grant programs, read below to see which one best suits your organization.
Altoona, IA 50009
Prevent Child Abuse - Iowa
Prevent Child Abuse Iowa fulfills its mission by leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa through:
- Advocacy – advancing the cause of child abuse prevention among legislators, administrators and professionals.
- Awareness – informing the public about the effects of child abuse and methods to prevent it.
- Assistance – offering organizational development, program guidance and grant management to local partners.
Child abuse is preventable. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa recognizes it will take Iowans working together to ensure children are raised in safe, nurturing environments. That’s why we proudly lead and inspire others to create a state free from child abuse.
Des Moines, IA 50309
State of Iowa Condom Delivery Program
This program allows Iowa residents to receive a free envelope of sexual wellness supplies delivered discreetly to their door, up to twice per 30 days. If you would like to receive a second envelope, please fill out the form twice. Please note that all addresses are subject to verification and unverifiable addresses will not receive a shipment.
Key words: Condoms, birth control, prevention, sexual health
The Geisler Penquite Foundation
Funding is not available at this time.
February 5, 2024 -- Board members of the Geisler-Penquite Foundation invite Jasper County non-profit organizations to submit applications for funding to support charitable work benefiting Jasper County residents. Geisler-Penquite Foundation grants, which are available only to Jasper County (Iowa) non-profits, must be invested by recipient organizations and held in a dedicated Geisler-Penquite Endowment. Each year, only earnings from the Endowment may be utilized to fund organizations’ current operations, projects, or special programs.
Established in 2009, the Geisler-Penquite Foundation’s roots trace back to 1969 when the Geisler Penquite Charitable Corporation was created with just $7,000 by the Jasper County farm family of John E. and Gertrude Setzer Geisler and their children, Harold and Cecil. Since then, distribution of the family’s farm holdings and investments have resulted in grants totaling nearly $9 million to Central College and 16 Jasper County non-profit organizations whose missions align closely with the family’s deeply held values of hard work, diligence, a love for learning and strong adherence to Christian principles.
In 1977, the family’s desire to invest in Christian higher education inspired Cecil Geisler Penquite and her husband, Loren, and Harold Geisler and his wife, Mavis, who resided in rural Mingo at the time, to donate $500,000—then the largest single gift to Central College in the school’s history—to fund educational materials, technologies, and learning experiences available in the Geisler Learning Resource Center.
In addition to Central College’s Learning Resource Center and Education Department, long-time Geisler-Penquite Foundation grant recipients include Baxter Community Educational Scholarships, Centre for Arts & Artists, Colfax Mingo Scholarships, Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity (for Jasper County projects), Iowa Sculpture Festival, Jasper Community Foundation-Mingo, Jasper Community Foundation-Newton, Jasper County 4-H, Jasper County Historical Museum, Newton Dollars for Scholars, Newton Y.M.C.A., Park Centre/WesleyLife, Progress Industries Foundation, Newton Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, Mercy One/Newton Medical Center, and Sheepgate - Division of Teen Challenge of the Midlands.
Geisler-Penquite Foundation board members include Dan Skokan, president and treasurer; Eric Sickler, vice president; Sheri Roslien secretary; Noreen Otto, John Roslien, Eugene Knopf and Maurine Timmer. Gary Timmer serves as advisor to the board.
More information and application forms may be requested by calling (719) 641-1478 or writing to Geisler-Penquite Foundation, 164 Delft Drive, Pella, IA 50219. The submission deadline for new grant applications is July 1, 2024.
Pella, IA 50219
Theisen's - Newton
- Grants available
Newton, IA 50208
United Way of Jasper County
- Provides financial assistance to a variety of health and human services programs.
- Funding for agencies
Newton, IA 50208
Walmart - Newton, Iowa
The store includes an eye care clinic, pick up groceries, and pharmacy that gives immunizations.
Grant opportunities for nonprofit organizations.
Keywords: immunizations, medication, food
Newton, IA 50208
Washington County Riverboat Foundation
Through the Competitive Fund, the WCRF Board of Directors will distribute 75% of the annual donations it receives from the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort in the form of grants. Awards will be made based on an application and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Washington, IA 52353
AED Program
Iowa Heart Foundation (AED for nonprofit)
AED Placement Program
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) strikes more than 350,000 Americans each year — nearly one death every two minutes. Giving CPR and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) early doubles the chance of survival. For each minute without such treatment, the chance of survival decreases by 7–10 percent.
The Iowa Heart Foundation awards AEDs to increase survival rates for people who experience SCA.
Eligibility - Iowa non-profit organizations, government entities, and public and private schools.
Also free resources.
West Des Moines, IA 50266
AED program, Public Safety only
Zoll (AEDs)
Local, state, and federal government agencies often provide funding for fire, EMS and police departments, community organizations, public safety operations, and hospitals to purchase emergency equipment. These funds can be used to initiate an AED program or purchase ZOLL® defibrillators or AutoPulse® units. ZOLL has the resources to assist you in finding grants that fit your needs and demographics.
ZOLL can help with:
- Writing grant proposals
- Offering links to helpful websites for your grant endeavor
- Providing templates to help with your grant narrative
- Researching grants specific to your region, project, or organization
- Interpreting the grant process and understanding the terminology
- Locating grant information from foundations and government agencies
For assistance, please follow the appropriate link for your market or call 800-804-4356.
Books for teachers, nonprofits, afterschool programs, shelter, health clinic, faith-based organization low income
First Book
First Book is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exclusively supports educators and program leaders serving children in need.
First Book is a nonprofit social enterprise committed to ensuring educational equity by eliminating barriers to education for children living in under-resourced communities.
All those who work with children in need can join us. If you work or volunteer in a Title I-eligible school, early childhood program, afterschool program, literacy program, shelter, health clinic, faith-based organization, or any other organization where at least 70 percent of kids served come from low-income families, you are eligible to become a First Book member.
Sign up is FREE and takes about 5 minutes!
Electric/Natural Gas
Alliant Energy
Alliant Energy Foundation
Pella Cooperative Electric
Serving over 3,200 homes and businesses across Jasper, Mahaska, Marion, Poweshiek and Warren counties. We're owned by those we serve.
If you are experiencing an outage please call 1-800-628-1040.
If you are planning on doing any digging around your home or business, state law requires that you Call 811 at least two working days before you dig.
Economic Development
Scholarships for members
Pella, IA 50219
Fire and EMS
Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) Grant: DNR Fire Program
Uses and deadlines on the website.
Ames, IA 50010
Local Fire Protection & Emergency Medical Services Grant Program- DIAL Iowa
The grant funds from the LFPEMS Providers Grant Program may be used for the following:
- To establish or provide fireworks safety education programming to members of the public.
- To purchase necessary enforcement, protection, or emergency response equipment related to the sale and use of consumer fireworks in this state.
- To purchase necessary enforcement, protection, or emergency response equipment.
Fire Safety
Smokey the Bear Costume Program: DNR
The DNR Forestry-Fire Program provides several Smokey Bear Costumes for use by fire departments and others in promoting fire safety and the wise use of our natural resources through wildfire prevention. The costumes are shipped to the user upon request pending availability.
For information or to reserve a costume please contact Naomi Splinter at 515-233-1161 or
Jasper, Marion, Poweshiek (JMP) Early Childhood Iowa
Collaborative efforts among Jasper, Marion, and Poweshiek counties will provide families with young children the opportunities, resources, and support necessary to fulfill our vision.
ECI funded. JMP may provide scholarships for preschool at the following locations:
- Colfax: Colfax-Mingo Preschool
- PCM: PCM Preschool, Monroe
- Newton: Share, Newton Christian Preschool
- Lynnville/Sully: Diamond Trail and Inspirations,
Grinnell, IA 50112
Opioid grant funds
Opioid Settlement Funds for Jasper County
Newton, IA 50208
Period Supplies- Schools
Love for Red
Love For Red as a 501(c)(3) has been able to donate thousands of products to places and people in Iowa with help from your donations, contributions, and support.
Period poverty is defined as the “inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education, including but not limited to sanitary products, washing facilities, and waste management”.
#periodpoverty #period supplies