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Abuse (Prevention and Reporting) Services

Disclaimer: This information was provided by agencies in the community. It may not be all-encompassing and some information changes often. For Jasper County offices and contact information, browse our county directory.

Updates: If you have an addition or edit to our Resource Guide, please contact us at

9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides emotional support for people in distress in the U.S.

24/7/365 via text, call, and chat services.

No judgment, just help 


Search terms/ Keywords: suicide hotline, crisis, crisis line, help, emotion, distress, problems, hotline, suicide prevention




Child Abuse 24-hour Reporting Hotline

If a child under the age of 18 is suspected of being abused or neglected, call the Child Abuse Hotline.

In Iowa, you can report suspected child abuse by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at (800) 362-2178. This hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also call 911 if you believe a child is in immediate danger. 

Search: Mandatory Reports, Child Abuse, DHS, Neglect, hotline, mandatory reporter, 

Other Categories: Hotlines

Crime Victim Assistance- Iowa

The Victim Assistance Section (formerly known as the Crime Victim Assistance Division) was established in 1989. It provides essential funding and survivor-centered training to support victims of violent crime in Iowa. 

The Victim Assistance Section administers programs that directly benefit victims of crime, including those that assist victims with the financial burden resulting from violent crime, that assist local crime victim service programs, and that assist the criminal justice system in holding offenders responsible for the effects of their crimes.  Funds for these programs come primarily from fines and penalties paid for by state and federal criminals.

Victim Services Support Program Funded Programs

Full List of All Funded Programs Serving Victims of Crime in Iowa (not including Criminal Justice)

Lists of Funded Programs by Service Program Type: 


State Compensation Programs

All 50 states and United States territories have victim compensation programs.  For more information about compensation programs in states other than Iowa, email Natalie Lampley or call 800-373-5044 for more information.


State Organizations

Iowa Organization for Victim Assistance

The Iowa Organization for Victim Assistance (IOVA) is a support organization for victims, survivors, witnesses, advocates, and professionals.  IOVA pursues awareness of and support for crime victims' rights in Iowa by advocating for short and long term changes in the criminal justice system, educating professionals to provide more sensitive services to victims and witnesses, advocating for quality victim services through victim service provider training and certification and providing a forum for crime victims and witnesses to voice their concerns and grievances.

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA) has 24 member sexual assault crisis centers and shelters serving survivors of sexual assault throughout Iowa.  Staff work on several initiatives including: technical assistance and training to member centers; civil legal assistance for survivors of sexual assault, including immigration assistance; improving responses to sexual assault within communities of color; a national project providing peer-based assistance to other sexual assault coalitions; statewide sexual assault prevention; training for allied professionals; and public policy efforts at the state and national level.

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) seeks to engage all people in a movement to change the social and political systems that perpetuate violence against women.

Crisis Intervention Service and Central Iowa Trauma Recovery Center

Crisis Intervention Service (CIS) and the Central Iowa Trauma Recovery Center (CITRC) administer the Iowa Leadership and Professional Development Initiative for Victim-Serving Professionals. This initiative equips victim service centers and professionals to deliver the highest level of client-centered care to surviving family members of homicide victims and centers funded through the Iowa Attorney General Victim Assistance Section’s Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). Comprehensive training and technical assistance are offered through two series: Skills Training for Direct Support Professionals and Organizational Leadership Development for Administrators. This includes the 40-hour Homicide Certification and Training for individuals seeking a Specialist determination in working with this population and the 20-hour Victim Counselor Training as outlined in the Iowa Criminal Code 915.20A. While both series have distinct training modules, they are designed to complement each other to ensure administrative and programmatic fidelity across the SOHOVC Zones. Structured, intentional, and high-quality training supports the readiness of victim service centers to serve survivors with exceptional care, competence, and compassion. 

Safe At Home - Iowa Secretary of State

Safe at Home is an address confidentiality program that provides participants with a substitute address.  The program is for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, stalking, or violent crimes.  To learn more about the Safe at Home program click here for a recording of webinar.  

Iowa Victim Service Call Center

Our highly-trained advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing a violent crime in Iowa.  This could include sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, homicide and many others.  This resource can also assist if you are seeking resources or information or questioning unhealthy aspects of a relationship.

No links currently available.


Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Victim Assistance Section
Lucas Building
321 E 12th St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

(515) 281-5044
Toll Free: (800) 373-5044
Fax: (515) 281-8199


321 East 12th Street Lucas Building
Des Moines, IA 50319

Crisis Intervention Services CIS (Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Survivors of Violent Crimes)

Crisis Intervention Services (CIS) provides advocacy and support services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and violent crimes.

The mission of Crisis Intervention Services is to work to end sexual assault and domestic violence in our communities through support, emergency safe housing, counseling, and prevention through education.

Our vision is to accomplish the greatest amount of good, to as many survivors as possible, through compassion, crisis counseling,
holistic healing services, and advocacy.  CONFIDENTIAL!!

  • Intimate Partner Violence- physical, mental, sexual
  • Temporary Emergency Shelter & Housing assistance
  • Sexual Assault
  • Violent Crimes Services          Everything is confidential.                                                                                                                 

keywords: abuse, violence, sexual, incest, emotional abuse, isolation, partner,        

PO Box 6
Oskaloosa, IA 52577
800-270-1620 or 641-673-0336

Elder Abuse


If you suspect elder abuse in Iowa, you can report it to Dependent Adult Protective Services at (800) 362-2178, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also call 911 if someone is in immediate danger. 

If you suspect elder or dependent adult abuse, report it immediately to Dependent Adult Protective Services.

1-800-362-2178 (toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.) 

If someone is in immediate danger, call 911. If you want to request a welfare check, call local law enforcement.

Reporting is confidential.

Dependent Adult Protective Services investigates reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults:

  • 65 and older
  • or 18 and older with a disability, who are dependent and do not reside in long-term care facilities.

To report suspected abuse in a long-term care facility, contact the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals Nursing Home and Home Health Complaint Hotline at 1-877-686-0027 or email

If you have concerns about your quality of care, quality of life or rights as a resident/tenant, or if you have concerns on behalf of your loved one who is living in one of Iowa's long-term care facilities, contact the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman at 1-866-236-1430.

For a coordinated entry point to Iowa’s information and referral resources regarding long-term independent living, contact Lifelong Links online or call 1-866-468-7887.

Know the Signs of Elder Abuse

Some adults may be at higher risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Types of elder abuse include:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial abuse or exploitation
  • Neglect
  • Self-Neglect
800-362-2178 (toll-free 24/7)

Family Crisis Center- Newton Office

Safety & advocacy to victims of intimate partner violence in Jasper County. 24-hour crisis line, one-on-one counseling, support services, court, medical, & housing advocacy.

Keywords: domestic violence, human trafficking, homicide, violent crimes, housing and homelessness, advocacy at health clinics, statewide hotline, family visitation and exchange, abuse, intimate partner, family violence, safety plan, 

312 1st Ave W, (United Way Building)
Newton , IA 50208

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence supports a statewide network of 22 survivor programs, connects survivors with the assistance they need, and advocates for policy and community transformation to make Iowa a safer place for everyone.

4725 Merle Hay Road, STE 107
Des Moines, IA 50322
Other Categories: Domestic Violence

My Body, My Rules from Blank Children's Hospital CAP (Children Assault Prevention)

Greater Des Moines Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Program 

The CAP program is a personal safety education program for schools. It uses a three-pronged approach to prevent child assault and maltreatment by presenting workshops for school staff, parents, and elementary school children. The program approaches prevention from a perspective of human dignity, mutual respec,t and basic human rights. Everyone has the right to be safe, strong and free. 

If you represent an elementary school in the greater Des Moines metro area and are interested in having the CAP Program visit your school, Contact Janelle Ballhagen at (515) 241-6703 or

Children's Workshop: This empowering approach to prevention explains that when another person tries to take away our rights to be safe, strong, and free - there are problems. Through interactive role-play, we demonstrate what the problems might look like. 

The role plays include situations such as: 

  • Bullying (peer to peer assault) 
  • Abduction (assault by a stranger) 
  • Sexual Abuse (assault by a known person) 

The role plays are each done two times. In the first role-play, the situation is not resolved. Important safety skills are introduced or reviewed for each situation. In the second role play, the situation is resolved successfully. 

There is one final role play starring the classroom teacher. This role play shows what it might be like to talk about a problem with a trusted adult. After the children's workshop is review time in which kids can talk with a facilitator one on one. Review time participation is a choice made by the kids. It is always offered but they don't have to do it. 

Staff education and parent education are approximately one-hour sessions done at the school before the children's workshop. The children's workshop takes place in the classroom and is done by a team of three trained facilitators. The children's workshop is approximately 50-60 minutes in the classroom and about 30 minutes of review time after the classroom presentations. 

Safety Concepts Presented 

Definition of basic human rights:  

  •  Turning to a peer for support 
  •  Safe or trusted adults 
  •  Definition of a stranger 
  •  Self-protection skills (kicking, yelling, elbowing) 
  •  Telling vs. tattling 
  •  When assault happens, it is important to tell a safe adult and keep telling until someone listens 
  •  Tricks used by unsafe adults or peers 
  •  When assault happens to a child it is NEVER the child's fault 
  •  It is OK to say no to a grown-up or peer when they make us feel uncomfortable 

Overview of the CAP program for school staff:

Overview of the CAP program for parents/caregivers:

Blank Children's Hospital, Unity Point
Des Moines , IA
(515) 241-6703

Prevent Child Abuse - Iowa

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa fulfills its mission by leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa through:

  • Advocacy – advancing the cause of child abuse prevention among legislators, administrators and professionals.
  • Awareness – informing the public about the effects of child abuse and methods to prevent it.
  • Assistance – offering organizational development, program guidance and grant management to local partners.

Child abuse is preventable. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa recognizes it will take Iowans working together to ensure children are raised in safe, nurturing environments. That’s why we proudly lead and inspire others to create a state free from child abuse.

501 SW 7th Street, G1
Des Moines, IA 50309


Open Arms Foundation of Jasper County

The Open Arms Foundation offers a variety of programs and projects that are designed to help vulnerable children and families in Jasper County. 

Programs and projects: 

  • First Night Back packs
  • Family visitations location
  • Clothing and resource room
  • Fortifiing foster families (F3)
  • Dreamcycles
  • Other

Keywords: foster care, removed from home, DHS, child abuse, child neglect, child needs clothes, car seat, foster parents, foster child, diapers, baby, crib, Punts for purpose, nonprofit, formula, food, baby or infant items

1123 1st Ave E, Suite B
Newton, IA 50208

Mandatory Reporter Training

Mandatory Reporter Training (child abuse adult abuse) IHHS website

Children and dependent adults in Iowa deserve the greatest possible protection from abuse. The Department of Health and Human Services strives to achieve this through encouraging reports when abuse is suspected, prompt assessment of these reports, and working with families and support to assist in providing a safe and stable home environment.

Mandatory reporters are essential partners in protecting children and dependent adults from abuse. As professionals who have frequent contact with children or dependent adults, mandatory reporters are trained to identify the signs that a child or and dependent adult may have suffered abuse or neglect. 


ACCESS (Assault Care Center Extending Shelter & Support)

Rapid Rehousing in a Housing First initiative is designed to help homeless individuals get into housing as immediately as possible with financial support, help with the application process, support in identifying community resources, and care coordination. The most vulnerable victims, such as youth and families, are targeted for this intensive service.

Services provided include:

- Residential housing
- Financial support
- Help with the application process
- Navigating the system

An application process to be completed with an advocate includes multiple steps designed to determine if a client qualifies for assistance and to what extent. This program is free and confidential.

The Rapid Rehousing program is available to all domestic violence and sexual assault clients in our service area. An application process to be completed with an advocate includes multiple steps designed to determine if a client qualifies for assistance and to what extent.

All services are free and confidential.

Locations: Story, Boone, and Marshall Counties.

16 East Main Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
8-5, Mon- Fri

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